Now let’s install Selenium Web Driver.ġ) Make sure you have downloaded Selenium Webdriver and unzipped it. Here project is create and class have been added successfully. You can provide work location or you can leave as it is to select Eclipse default work location.ġ0) Go to File -> New -> Project and click on Project.ġ1) Click on Java Project and then click on Next button.ġ2) Provide the project name and click on Next.ġ3) Finally click on Finish to add the project in Eclipse.ġ4) In this project, Class will not be added so lets add the class so that you could write your code.ġ5) Right click on src under project shown on left side and click on New -> Classġ6) In java class window provide Package name, Class name and click on Check-box “public static void main”.ġ7) Click on Finish will add the class in the project.ġ8) Under class you can start writing your script. If Java will not be installed in your system you will not be able to open Eclipse.Ĥ) To check whether java is installed in your system please Click to the Start and type cmd in search text box and hit Enter:ĥ) On command prompt type java –version will display the current java version installed in your system.Ħ) If Java is not installed please install Java – Click Hereħ) Now open Eclipse folder and double click on the Eclipse icon to start Eclipse.Ĩ) Once Eclipse starts successfully will ask you to provide work location. Please follow the steps to create java project and install Selenium Webdriver in Eclipse.Ģ) Download Selenium Webdriver Java (2.xx.x)– Click Hereģ) Make sure Java is installed in your system and correct path is set.

With Selenium Webdriver you can run script in Eclipse and write your script according to the requirements and generate the detailed report. Selenium Webdriver is a flexible and open source functional testing tool.

Selenium comes with Selenium IDE, Selenium Remote Control and Selenium Webdriver. Once test completes selenium provides complete detailed report, so that you could analyze and suggest to fix the issues or bugs. Selenium is an automation tool that allows to automate the functionality of the project or module and test.